Our Facility

A wheelchair and walker are available for use,  located at the rear door to the sanctuary on the stair landing.  Elevator is located inside the narthex (gathering area) at the rear of the sanctuary.  It is also located on the first floor of the building off to your left inside the double doors. 

 An AED machine is available on the second floor outside of the narthex/sanctuary door in the 2nd floor landing area.  Several of our members have been trained in the use of this life-saving device.

Our building is handicap accessible from both entrances and meets all ADA standards. 

Snow Cancellations or modifications will be announced or modifications will be announced on ABC 27 Snowwatch. 


Building Use reminder:  If your LUMC ministry group needs a place to meet, call the Church Office (938-2093) to request placement on the church calendar. 


Additional Parking  in front of the Wesley Annex at the top of the hill, down behind it, and behind the parsonage; along Market St and in the Community Center parking lot across the street.  Handicap and visitor parking are available at the top of the hill behind/beside the church.


 History of Lewisberry United Methodist Church 

          Are you interested in the people and places that brought our church together?  Read about the earliest      

          memories of the three churches that came together to establish a united church in Lewisberry.